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Today’s VND online Exchange Rate:

1 AUD = 13802.9135 VND
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Buy Vietnamese Dong
Currency Information
Currency: Vietnamese Dong
Currency code: VND
Currency symbol:
Bank notes: 1000 ₫, 2000 ₫, 5000 ₫, 10000 ₫, 20000 ₫, 50000 ₫, 100000 ₫, 200000 ₫, 500000 ₫
Coins: 200₫, 500₫, 1000₫, 2000₫
Daily Cost
Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 400000 Dong
One-way ticket for local transport 7000 Dong
Bottle of water 6928 Dong

Some tips to be ready!
1. Vietnam is hot and humid in general. Be sure to pack loose fitting clothings to help survive the humidity. However the North can be pretty cold during winter time, if that is where you will be visiting during winter time, be sure to pack some warmer clothings.
2. Vietnamese are very friendly, but can be money driven. Try to hide all items that make you look richer to avoid a price mark-up from some businesses. Always negotiate with them for the price, you will be surprised!
3. Dress appropriately when visiting religious sites, it is advisable to cover-up as a sign of respect.
4. Vietnam is a paradise for foodies! Definitely try dishes such as Pho, Bun cha, Goi cuon, Cha ca and Nem ran.
5. If you want to go on a tour, always check the reviews online! Don’t be surprised to find businesses with the same name. Contact the company directly or go to a travel agent, do not book tours via your hotel, as they will inflate prices.
6. Basically everything is cheap in Vietnam!
7. Avoid tap water, ice and salads. Also, brush your teeth with bottled water and wash your hands regularly. The last thing you want on a trip is food poisoning and an upset tummy.