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Today’s JOD online Exchange Rate:

1 AUD = 0.4112 JOD
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Buy Jordanian Dinar
The Jordanian dinar has been the currency of Jordan since 1950. It is also widely used alongside the Israeli shekel in the West Bank. In 1949, banknotes were issued by the government in denominations of ½, 1, 5, 10 and 50 dinars. From 1959, the Central Bank of Jordan took over note production. 20 dinar notes were introduced in 1977, followed by 50 dinars in 1999. ½ dinar notes were replaced by coins in 1999.
Currency Information
Currency: Jordanian Dinar
Currency code: JOD
Currency symbol: د.ا
Bank notes: 1 dinar, 5 dinars, 10 dinars, 20 dinars, 50 dinars
Coins: ½, 1, 2 ½ , 5, 10 piastres/qirsh, ¼, ½, 1 dinar
Daily Cost
Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 30 Dinars
One-way ticket for local transport 0.5 Dinars
Bottle of water 0.28 Dinars

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