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Buy Poland Zloty
The Polish Zloty (AKA Zlotych) is the official currency of Poland. Established in 1994, Zloty is the masculine form of the Polish Adjective ‘golden’. The currency is made up of a 100 units of oschen (or osz), similar to the Aussie system of dollars and cents. Poland is known for each medieval architecture, Jewish heritage and the famous Kielbasa sausage. It’s capital city is Warsaw, rich in culture, history, abundant shopping and a vibrant nightlife. One of its prime historical tourist attractions would be the Warsaw Uprising Museum which honors the city’s resistance in the WWII era. Whether you are a history buff or a foodie, there is something for you in Poland.
Currency Information
Currency: Poland Zloty
Currency code: PLN
Currency symbol:
Bank notes: 10 zł, 20 zł, 50 zł, 100 zł, 200 zł, 500 zł
Coins: 1gr, 2gr, 5gr, 10gr, 20gr, 50gr, 1 zł, 2 zł,5 zł
Daily Cost
Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 100 Zloty
One-way ticket for local transport 3.2 Zloty
Bottle of water 3.2 Zloty

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