Need Singapore Dollar?

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Today’s SGD online Exchange Rate:

1 AUD = 0.8163 SGD
Buy SGD Online
Buy Singapore Dollar
The Singaporean dollar (SGD) came into circulation in 1967, with each dollar consisting of 100 cents. You might hear the dollar being affectionately referred to as ‘sing’ by the locals. The 10,000 SGD note is currently the most valuable banknote in the world, although in 2014 Singapore stopped printing it, with the aim of taking it out of circulation. It is still legal tender and will be until the last notes are returned to the Monetary Authority of Singapore. You are likely to find a 10% service charge added to your bill in restaurants. If not, there is no general rule for how much you should leave – it’s really up to you and whatever you feel comfortable giving. Remember though: if you’re in an airport restaurant tipping isn’t typically allowed, whereas tipping in bars or taxis is very uncommon.
Currency Information
Currency: Singapore Dollar
Currency code: SGD
Currency symbol: S$
Bank notes: $2, $5, $10, $50, $100
Coins: 5 cents, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, $1
Daily Cost
Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 60 Dollar
One-way ticket for local transport 1.7 Dollar
Bottle of water 1.4 Dollar

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